
16 02, 2019

Menu Especial de la Semana, Comida Ayurvédica

By |2019-02-16T13:24:58+00:00February 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Esta semana ven a probar nuestro nutritivo y saludable menú de comida ayurvédica. El ayurveda es una suma de conocimientos que en la práctica mejoraran notablemente tu vida, seis sabores para 5 elementos: dulce, salado, ácido, picante, amargo y astringente. Todos necesitamos un poco de cada uno en nuestra dieta. Los alimentos y bebidas pueden [...]

12 12, 2017

Healthy and nutritious meals by I-Bites Marbella

By |2017-12-12T13:47:53+00:00December 12th, 2017|Healthy Breakfasts, healthy eating, Healthy restaurant Marbella, Home Delivery Marbella, Marbella eating, Marbella restaurant, nutrition Restaurant Marbella, Smoothies, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Do you want to lose weight, or simply eat a healthy,balanced meal every day?prepared by professional nutrition chefs?its the stuff dreams are made of,isn’t it? Something only big name celebrities like j-Lo or Madonna have access to. This is no longer the case! I-Bites fabulous restaurant and home delivery service now in Marbella [...]

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